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coolminder « Taktiker » coolminder

Die besten Scores von coolminder

Domino Fall 2Domino Fall 2 5 950
Gem InvasionGem Invasion 5 8.635
Invisible CursorInvisible Cursor 5 13.684
InsanixInsanix 5 29
Mayan TreasureMayan Treasure 5 47.759
Green ItGreen It 5 2.210
Jewel MysteriesJewel Mysteries 5 9.164
Fill ZoneFill Zone 6 3.003.815
HoleHole 6 16
CiphersCiphers 6 482
Infinity - To The TopInfinity - To The Top 6 1.871
OrbflexOrbflex 6 2
Atlantis JewelsAtlantis Jewels 6 23.760
Space RollingSpace Rolling 6 21.140
Hundred (100)Hundred (100) 6 180
Cupid TripeaksCupid Tripeaks 7 106.666
Happy Halloween JumpHappy Halloween Jump 7 23
Escapin' BaconEscapin' Bacon 7 4.650
Lucky BounceLucky Bounce 7 131.980
Ancient PyramidAncient Pyramid 7 4.715